If it was a mistake, it was a beautiful one.: November 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
「 dancing away Tuesday, November 20, 2007 」

It hurts to see his weathered face. When will this be over?

Friday, November 16, 2007
「 dancing away Friday, November 16, 2007 」

So is this all?
There must be something more. Much more, than this.
I'm not satisfied.

Monday, November 05, 2007
「 dancing away Monday, November 05, 2007 」

Cut me some slag.. I need to breathe. I think I need to climb higher, I need some fresh air. Life got to be more than this.

I dunno y when they were teasing me, I wasn't embarrass. As in, I was actually accepting it! Gosh.. What's wrong with me.. n the situation kind of rekindle some memories.. reminded me of somebody. The stranger thing is, I know.. rather, i feel this wont go too far. I drink coffee once in awhile but, I'm not exactly a fan of coffee. I want something more exotic, more expensive, something tastier, richer.. something thicker, more aesthetic.. something more attractive.. more addictive. Even the double whip cinnamon powered caramel ice latte wont work. I want something more. Much more.

Crap.. It's already 3.06am and I'm still not sleeping.. got to change this bad habit.. gotta change!

Thursday, November 01, 2007
「 dancing away Thursday, November 01, 2007 」

I'm hungry,....therefore I eat.
I'm tired, ....therefore I sleep.
I'm happy, ....therefore I smile.
I'm hurt, .....therefore I cried.
I fell, .......therefore I stand up again.
I'm numb, .....therefore I learn to love.
I was deluded, therefore I wised up.
I need, .......therefore I want.
I'm bored, ....therefore I blog.